Just last week we had 2 accepted offers go south. And we have had offers not accepted. One took a counter offer after accepting and the other wanted a loan and to moonlight and the client was considering the loan but not the moonlighting. Any way to save? (It is too late now, but curious what we can do to avoid these challenges?)
As disheartening as it is to lose deals like this, try to remember what it was like when it was less candidate centric, when unemployment was 3 times as high as it is now, and clients had no interest in paying your fees. This market is hard, in its way, but it is a playground in the big picture. You’ll have more turndowns because candidates, according to a Marist Poll, overwhelmingly (84%) say they have no fear of losing their job and even less fear of getting another one. The chips on their shoulders are real and they are not going away soon.
Without you giving me the details of the deals you lost, the best I can do for you is tell you to play defense in this market. There is no absolute protection…we deal with humans, they are mercurial and often self-involved, and we live in a free society where they can change their mind about where they want to work…but we can make some market adjustments:
Play defense!!
We have hundreds of great questions and answer blogs from Danny and the recruiters he has trained. Look for emails highlighting these questions.
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We have hundreds of great questions and answer blogs from Danny and the recruiters he has trained. Look for emails highlighting these questions.