I read everything you send out because although I am a senior recruiter, I still find myself learning. I have a question pertaining to candidate control and I am looking for a "Danny-ism". I am having an inordinate number of candidates simply vanish and it is happening at each phase of the process. Part of it I can blame on the geography, the rest of the responsibility is mine for not establishing the ground rules up front. I am certain, the candidate is passing on the opportunity, or they would be calling me. I need to control my candidates better to provide appropriate feedback to my clients. What soon-to-be-famous Danny-ism would you use to reduce the number of AWOL candidates?
Danny's response:
People do things for their own reasons. Candidates vanish because they feel:
They see no reason to keep you in the loop.
So when they go out on the interview, rather t...
50% Complete
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