This is the one we’ve been using for ages- we probably average 1 call back per 20-25 messages left.

“Hi__________. This is (my name). Your name came up at our executive team meeting and I’d like to discuss the possibility of doing some business together. Please give me a call xxx-xxx-xxxx. Again, this is (my name) at xxx-xxx-xxxx. I look forward to your call, ______.”

More recently, we gave another method a try and the results were horrendous even though the expert said it had an 80% response rate.

“Hi___________. This is (my name). Someone suggested we talk.
Do me a favor, when you call me back, please tell whoever answers to interrupt me no matter what I’m doing. You can reach me at xxx-xxx-xxxx. I look forward to speaking with you.”

We read through “What do I say in a Voicemail” and “Recruiting voicemail” and “Get colorful with your voicemail.” Our CEO is of the mindset to not mention we are recruiters in any VM. We did like this one, but we want to better understand w
